Monday, July 28, 2008

Eurabia from the horse's mouth

Westerners like Mark Steyn get into hot water for describing the Islamization of Europe. Egyptian Islamist preacher 'Amr Khaled says the same thing but is unlikely to suffer for voicing his predictions. He sees Muslims as taking over Europe, given their higher birthrate and already significant numbers (although his estimate is well above other, established ones). Indeed, Khaled thinks that in another 10 years Muslims will be 'firmly established' in Europe. Read these excerpts from an interview with him (thanks to MEMRI).


Anonymous said...

There is nothing such Eurabia except in the mind of some conspiracy theorists.

Leslie Lebl said...

If so, that's something 'Amr Kahled needs to be told - he obviously thinks otherwise.

Anonymous said...

According to this transcript Amr Khaled did not use the word 'Eurabia'.

Leslie Lebl said...

No, he didn't use the word, but he definitely used the concept. The Muslims in Europe will become more numerous and should seek to advance their values - he cites their "exceptional influence on the decision-making". He's explicit about what values they might advance are when he contrasts the Western value of free speech with Islamic respect for the Koran, etc. Mohammed.

Anonymous said...

"he didn't use the word"

So someone added it. It was not me.