Sunday, July 26, 2009

Morocco in the lead

King Mohammed VI of Morocco has just lent his support to a project to provide the Islamic world with information about the Holocaust - a goal diametrically opposed to the Holocaust denial pushed by Iran and others.

Morocco once had a population of around 300,000 Jews; today, only 3,000 remain, but the government has said it would welcome the return of Jewish emigres. It has played a role over the years in seeking to reconcile Arabs and Jews, and distinguishing between Moroccan Jews and Israelis in order to separate the Mideast conflict from domestic issues.

European governments would do well to emulate King Mohammed VI's policies. Not only do they have violent street demonstrators shouting 'death to the Jews' when the Mideast conflict flares up; in many classrooms, teachers are bullied into not even mentioning the Holocaust.

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