Sunday, February 15, 2009

From the police blotter

Here, thanks to Jihad Watch, are two horrible tales about marital relations in Muslim families, right here in the United States.

-- Muzzammil Hassan, founder and chief executive of the Bridges TV station in Buffalo and an influential leader in the local Muslim community, aimed to use his media outlet to combat negative perceptions of Islam. His wife apparently was the inspiration for that project; subsequently, she filed for a divorce and got an order requiring him to leave their house by February 6. He reportedly decapitated her, then turned himself in to the police.

-- On Valentine's Day an Afghan diplomat, 30-year-old Mohammed Fagirad, reportedly beat his 22-year-old wife from 8:30 am to midnight at their condo in Brooklyn. He told police "his wife was a dog and he was going to treat her like a dog." (How many of you treat your dog this way?)

Now, lest you complain that I am singling out bizarre cases, let me note the following. Both of these men enjoyed a degree of prominence. Had they been evangelical Christians of similar standing, for example, they would probably have made the front page and furnished a prime topic for the chattering classes.

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