Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Muslim Students Association

The Muslim Students Association (MSA), with some 600 chapters, is the most visible and accessible Muslim organization at U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities. Two recent studies, one by Zeyno Baran of the Hudson Institute and the other, a booklet by Front Page Magazine entitled "The Muslim Students Association and the Jihad Network," provide details on the MSA's links to the Muslim Brotherhood and on its recent activities at various campuses.

As Baran points out: "Countless young American Muslims - whether converts, Muslims born into secular families, or those brought up in traditional households - that have entered college since 9/11 are curious about Islam and their identity both as a Muslim and an American. Too often these young men and women end up at the local MSA chapter looking for answers. Sadly, the MSA is still often the only option available for college students who wish to get involved in Muslim affairs. Perhaps it's no wonder that a Pew report released in May 2007 found a quarter of American Muslims aged 18 to 29 believe suicide bombings against civilians can sometimes be justified to defend Islam, while only 9 percent of those older than 30 agreed."


Anonymous said...

Jokes of the right well-intentioned, appropriately told, can do more to make aware questions of civics, values, and data than any number of obscure arguments.

Anonymous said...

Jokes of the suitable well-intentioned, well told, can do more to inform questions of civics, philosophy, and literature than any company of obscure arguments.