Friday, December 12, 2008

The season of peace and love

Christmas, usually seen as a season of peace and love, sometimes brings out other emotions, as Smooth Stone points out. The Anglican church of St. James in Picadilly arranged an anti-Israel hate fest which apparently has caused subsequent embarrassment. The rector of St. James Picadilly, responding to numerous complaints, said he would 'think twice' before allowing a repeat of the service. Nothing like taking a firm stand against bigotry and hate!

Elsewhere, prominent Islamist Anjem Choudhary warns Muslims that Christmas is the 'pathway to hell' and urges his followers to boycott it. This sounds a bit odd, if one assumes that Muslims by definition don't celebrate Christmas, but perhaps Choudhary is feeling pressure from the competition. I propose a campaign against 'Christianophobia' - after all, anyone making similar accusations against Islam would have been denounced for 'Islamophobia.'

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