Thursday, January 8, 2009

The goals of Hamas

Watch this MEMRI video of Hamas spokesmen setting out their goals prior to the start of the Gaza conflict. Some of these goals are:

-- Conquer Rome, the 'Crusader capital', turning it into an advance post for further conquests in Europe;

-- Annihilate America and Israel; kill all the Americans and all the Jews;

-- Take over the world.

How anyone can still think that Hamas is only fighting a 'resistance' battle with Israel is beyond me.

Hamas may dazzle Islamists, and the Western left and media, but it's striking that no other Arab or Muslim forces have come to their aid. Hezbollah doesn't appear to thirst for battle, and Iranian top leader Ayatollah Khamenei banned the departure of 70,000 potential Iranian 'martyrs' for Gaza. (Perhaps he fears that 70,000 suicide bombers would give Israel a more than adequate pretext to attack Iranian nuclear facilities.) Khamenei said Iran will provide help in some other form - money and weapons to rebuild after the current conflict is over?

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