Thursday, January 8, 2009


I haven't seen the new Tom Cruise film Valkyrie, but the intensive previews have made me skeptical. Here, for anyone interested, John Rosenthal exposes the bogus history depicted in the movie.

The movie apparently portrays the 1944 plotters against Hitler as opposing the concentration camps and the murder of the Jews. In fact, some of them were personally implicated in those policies. Even those who were not, such as the plot leader, Cruise's Claus von Stauffenberg, believed in the racial superiority of Germans and said so publicly.

Instead, the plotters saw that Germany was going to lose the war, and they wanted to avoid the unconditional surrender and foreign occupation of Germany. Nor did they want any Germans (presumably, including themselves) to be tried by foreign or international courts for war crimes.

I can't speak to the film's entertainment value, but its historical value appears to be very, very slight.

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