Thursday, May 8, 2008

More on UNRWA

Thanks to Matthew, who in commenting on an earlier piece pointed me toward a Powerline Blog entry of May 8 on the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Palestine. This entry discusses an article by Barry Rubin, Asef Asirowski and others pointing out the ways in which UNRWA "actually helps destroy the chance of Arab-Israeli peace, promotes terrorism, and holds Palestainians back from rebuilding their lives."

It is amazing how, for over 50 years, Americans have continued to fund a 'humanitarian' operation that pursues goals diametrically opposed to those of the main UN humanitarian organization, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR. UNHCR's work includes finding ways for people to either return home or settle somewhere else and get on with their lives. The wisdom of this approach is obvious: if you grew up in one of those refugee camps that UNRWA is dedicated to keeping alive, you'd probably be a terrorist too.

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